Silicone seal strips may not be the most glamorous addition to your home, but they are certainly among the most practical.
The benefits of silicone foam tubing encompass its cushioning properties, thermal insulation, versatility, resistance to moisture and chemicals, noise and vibration damping, durability, [...]
If you are new to silicone rubber industry, it may be create some confusion while choosing Platinum Cure Silicone or Peroxide Cure Silicone
Sponge silicone rubber products are a type of silicone rubber material that has a sponge-like or foam-like texture.
Silicone-covered plastic refers to plastic objects or surfaces that have been coated or covered with a layer of silicone material. The silicone coating provides additional properties and[...]
Silicones are a hybrid of synthetic plastic polymers and rubber. The characteristics of silicone are pretty similar to plastics, only better. It has higher durability, stability, flexibi[...]
Silicone materials are highly beneficial for a wide variety of applications. Because of its properties, silicone materials have many advantages
Silicon, the main chemical element used to make silicones, does not exist in a pure form naturally, and is therefore extracted from silicates (or silica) embedded in sand or rocks. The f[...]